
June 17, 2017


The Iphone contest H20 for Peace – iPhoneografy for Human Rights has a winner and some Awards.

The first price goes to Ludwig Wagner with I’ve been on this road a while.


An honorable mention goes to Adelino Marques with The marques of life II in ex equo with Gianluca Ricoveri’s The swamp.

The Pollock Project Award goes to Roberto Gallardo with Here comes the rain again.

And, finally, the Ginger Magazine Award goes to Julia Nathanson with Forty one degrees.

New – New Era Museum gave its Award to Lorenka Campos with Let it be.

On the 17th of June, 2017: The Campana dei Caduti [Bell of the Fallen] Foundation finally announced the names of the winners of H2O for Peace – iPhoneography for Human Rights awards, the iPhoneographic contest conducted in collaboration with the Nem-New Era Museum based on an idea launched by Marco Di Battista, which, in answer to the UNO’s invitation of the 22nd of March, World Water Day, to reflect on Water as an instrument and expression of Peace, proposed availing of the powerful language of images and the viral might of Mobile Art to this end. First prize went to Ludwig Wagner with the triptych I’ve been on this road for a while, a particularly evocative image where the peace of nature is seen as a delicate boundary, like that between water and earth, which human beings may either enjoy peacefully or destroy all too easily. Special mention went ex–equo to two artists: Adelino Marques with The Marks of Life, depicting water as the vital lymph of the earth, therefore of life itself; and Gianluca Ricoveri with The Swamp, a snapshot of great formal balance providing us with food for thought regarding the delicate relationship between human beings and nature. Three special prizes: the Nem Award went to Lorenka Campos for her delicious picture of water birds called Let it be; The Pollock Project Award (awarded by the Art-Jazz Music Group) was assigned to Roberto Gallardo and his Here comes the rain again for his explicit, visionary references to music; and, finally, the Ginger Magazine Award won by Julia Nathanson for the picture Forty-one Degrees and its explicit reference to Water as an instrument of serene child development.

All the winners, along with the other 43 finalists, will be the protagonists of a multimedia clip featuring the music of Marco Testoni performed by the Pollock Project Art-Jazz Group.

We wish to mention that the president of the jury was Andrea Bigiarini (photographer), creator and founder of the Nem museum. The panel of judges included Marco Di Battista (journalist), Giancarlo Beltrame (journalist), Dilshad Corleone (photographer) and Davide Capponi (photographer).

The images received were more than 200, over 8,000 iPhoneographers were contacted and about a thousand enthusiasts involved. A goodly number of women participated, attracted, obviously, by a topic they felt very keenly about, Life.

iPhoneography is a widespread, democratic art form consisting in using a smartphone to create images and sharing them on the Internet and the social networks. The enormous potential of this art makes it an ideal means by which to bring worldwide creativity to focus on a theme like the right to water. This art, born within the world of the social media, is now being studied and is acquiring recognition thanks to its intrinsic merits and its powerfully democratic impact even upon traditional photographic environments.