The Jury Motivations

June 17, 2017

The Jury Motivations

LUDWIG WAGNER. “I’ve been on this road for a while” – First Price

Availing of the triptych form, the author of this picture, Ludwig Wagner creates a mini-story, a film sequence frozen in a profoundly impressive still image where the human presence from being a merely evocative trace becomes an explicit sign, outlined by three lines of a Puff Daddy song (I been on this road for a long time now / At times it seems like the road is never gonna end / On this road there’s a lotta, hills and mountains), building a bridge between the realms of graphics and- semantics. A billboard, a flight of birds, wooden pegs planted firmly in the ground. The peaceful harmony of nature lies on that fragile border between water and earth, which human beings may either enjoy serenely or extinguish all too easily. The declension in myriad modes of the significance of H2O, water, means opening up significant viewpoints on the importance of preserving this symbol of life and providing all with access to the rights accruing from it

GIANLUCA RICOVERI. “The swamp” – Honorable Mention

This formally exemplary snapshot, the outcome of extraordinary constructive balance, beautifully crafted availing of all the potential of the iPhoneArt app, provides us with food for thought concerning the delicate relationship existing between human beings and nature. Earth, air and water combine to create a multifaceted picture. The scene is framed by clouds which also reflect it. The two rows of plants seem to dance joyfully, renewing their ceaseless cycle

ADELINO MARQUES. “The Marks of Life” – Honorable Mention

L’aridità della terra viene fecondata dall’acqua. Una terra vecchia, rugosa, concava bagnata dalla spuma vitale del mare. Questa immagine contiene dei messaggi primordiali i cui simboli possono essere condivisi da diverse culture. Godere della pace naturale è anche saper osservare con attenzione piccoli simboli, fragili come disegni tracciati sulla sabbia dalla risacca dell’oceano. Un puro scatto Hipstamatic, parte di una trilogia, che apre nuovi orizzonti al nostro pensiero sull’acqua.

The parched soil is fecundated by water. A stretch of old, wrinkled, concave earth is bathed by the life-giving foam of the sea. This image is full of primordial messages whose symbols are immediately accessible to many different cultures. Enjoyment of natural peace also means knowing how to pay the utmost attention to minuscule signs, as fragile as those left on the sand by the pull of the ocean. This pure, Hipstamatic shot, part of a trilogy, provides our notions of water with some new vistas.


LORENKA CAMPOS. “Let it be” – Nem Special Award

Practically an alchemical seal with Air, Fire (Sun), Earth and Water encapsulating the mathematical harmony of nature and the cosmos. A myriad of archetypal information and symbols having enormous impact on the observer.


ROBERTO GALLARDO. “Here Comes the Rain Again” – Pollock Project Special Award

From its very title, this aquatic photograph, contains sophisticated references to music (Eurythmics, the Beatles) while, at the same time, expressing a felicitously visionary side. These two elements fulfill the Pollock Project Award mission: the creation of a bridge between music and images.


JULIA NATHANSON. “Forty-one Degrees” – Ginger Magazine Special Award

Water as Play: soothing coolness, childlike joy. This picture by Julia Nathanson, with almost maternal delicacy, spells in crystal-clear letters how the availability of a primary element like Water may be a source of serenity, the focus of our children’s growth. As such it is also an ingredient indispensable for the growth of a People.